Thursday, March 28, 2024

Rise in depression and anxiety


It's literally everything. Food supply, air, phones, schools, bullies, fewer chores, mass hysterias in the news, economics. Everything.

Question: Is the "sharp rise in adolescent depression" (and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, suicidal ideation, ADHD, etc.) due to exogenous causes like social media/smart phones, parental coddling, life history theory, etc? What if the cause is endogenous—an artifact of the pathologizing of things teens used to normally get upset about (and recover from quickly), and instead are now being labeled with diagnoses like depression, ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders, etc., and then a feedback loop is created in which the kids are instructed to ruminate, cogitate, and wallow in their negative emotions, which only fuels the problem, and THAT is what has caused this spike? I don't know the answer but am curious what readers here think.

Why DEI is a disaster

 One of the best tweets ever:

Allow me to put a stake through the heart of DEI for you. If DEI proponents wanted to achieve the kind of diversity that is good for every member of society, they would correct the Democrat/Republican imbalance in our most important companies. A lack of Republicans on staff caused Twitter, Facebook, and Google to censor free speech for years before getting caught. A lack of Republican voices in the corporate news business — excluding the FoxNews bubble — allowed over 20 major political hoaxes to flourish in the past 5-7 years. (The Right had a few too.) A lack of Republicans destroyed the reputation of Harvard. Republicans would have added balance to leadership. Google’s Gemini AI — literally the future of their business — died in the crib because of a lack of Republicans on staff. I don’t think I need to list the other corporations that shot themselves in the feet because they had too few Republicans on staff. You know all the stories. Now name something that broke because of too many Republicans. I’ll give you abortion, if that’s your l worldview. Now name another. Hey, Black American men, do you want to increase your odds of success? Just copy Republicans. They have developed a mindset and a set of traditions that have always worked, no matter who uses the methods. Democrats, on the other hand, are biased toward using victimization as a tool for success. That’s a female strategy. When men do it, it looks pathetic to both sides. It is a losing strategy for men. (Still good for women and children.) But Black men, your DEI does not improve your access to the mentors and networking and winning mindset of Republicans. It does the opposite. Are you thinking of getting a face tattoo and dropping out of school? Talk to a Republican before you do that. Any Republican. Anywhere. Any time. They will stop what they are doing and give you honest and useful advice. And if you follow that advice, they will offer you a job or recommend you, because people who can take advice and implement it are like diamonds. Everyone wants them. I’m a registered Democrat, but I grew up among Republicans and they are my current audience. I’m not guessing how they operate. You only hear about the fringe Republicans, the same way Republicans think Democrats are crazier than they are on average. Now I will tell you, Black American men, something you would not be allowed to say in your bubble: The root cause of the DEI debacle is batshit crazy white women who don’t know how anything works outside the female experience. Check the stats. Republican women literally have a fraction of the mental health issues of liberal women. Now look at the saucer-eyed Democrats on MSNBC and tell me they don’t look mentally ill. You see it. Sure, some Republicans are also nuts, but it’s a matter of degree. For women, DEI probably looks like a plus. For Black men, DEI is a huge source of systemic racism that didn’t need to happen.

President Biden protects democracy


Scott Adams
Biden can "Protect Democracy" if he manages to keep RFK Jr. off the ballot, uses corrupt prosecutors and judges to put Trump in jail, and uses government funded entities to censor Republicans and manipulate the news while servicing the military-industrial complex and taking away your guns. If Biden can do all of that, we will finally be a free country, in the Janis Joplin sense of having nothing left to lose.

New York taxes citizens and gives the money to illegals
Fox News
New York City begins giving illegal immigrants prepaid debit cards as part of $53 million pilot program

Equality impossible?

  Thomas Sowell Quotes @ThomasSowell · 3h "If you cannot achieve equality of performance among people born to the same parents and rais...