Friday, April 12, 2024

UK report on transgender


400 page 4-year report commissioned by England’s National Health Service concludes that medical professionals in the UK who advocate for gender transition in children are misguided ideologues. breaks it all down: Thousands of vulnerable young people were given life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.” “It has been suggested that hormone treatment reduces the elevated risk of death by suicide in this population, but the evidence found did not support this conclusion.” “Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.”

Yes, an unknown number of kids are trying to rebuild their lives after people who should have known better operated on them and gave them hormones on extremely shaky evidence, but the bad guys are the people mentioning this and wanting it to stop.

What proportion of patients treated do we have data for? We don’t know, because six of the seven medical trusts who held it refused to hand it over. How many of the Tavistock’s patients were lost to follow up? We don’t know, because they didn’t keep track of them. How many people never told their treatment teams they’d stopped taking their hormones and simply disappeared off the radar? Some detransitioners say they did exactly that; their stories are available online for anyone who cares enough to read them. Troubled young people appear to have been given life-changing surgeries and powerful drugs with less oversight and accountability in place than you’d expect when buying a lawnmower.

It's like a Ponzi scheme, but with unevidenced medical guidelines. Still a ton of money in it for early investors, of course. Never forget that some of the people trying to discredit Dr Hilary Cass have a lot of financial skin in the game. #GenderScandal #CassReview

🚨 New systematic review exposes deceptive practices among medical organizations that endorse youth transition. Rather than relying on robust evidence, medical authorities fabricated consensus by deferring to each others' guidelines. Thread and Link Below

The new review reveals that medical organizations have misled the public by basing their recommendations on insufficient evidence, inaccurately labeling their approach as "evidence-based," and engaging in a corrupt practice known as "circular referencing."

By engaging in circular referencing, these medical bodies have actively deceived healthcare professionals and the public, leading them to believe in the validity and reliability of recommendations founded on weak evidence.

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