Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Religious domination:

Religious domination: what Missourians worried about when the Mormons moved there en masse in the 1830s.


This is how Lebanon went from being a prosperous Christian country to being ruled by Islamists. Pay close attention!

“As Christians, we opened our doors to Muslims, and welcomed them into our country. We wanted to be inclusive and even made them part of the government.

But due to having several wives and many children, Muslims became the majority. Once they were the majority, they thought they could do whatever they wanted, and began massacring the Christians who welcomed them.”


Christians always do this, they welcome the enemy that destroys them… They did it in Lebanon. They’ve done it throughout Europe, London, Birmingham, Manchester… Amsterdam, Paris. Brussels And they’re doing it in the USA with illegal immigrants too, not just welcoming them once they’re here, but helping them get here too, is their Christian NGOs funded by the Democrat government.

Christians also did this in past centuries by accepting pagans and vikings but the difference was they required conversion to Christianity (even if it was mostly performative.) Perhaps one small fix on the asylum process would solve Europe's problems 🤷. Few Muslims would immigrate and the ones who do are probably actually oppressed.

There have been cases in the UK where they claim to have converted to Christianity in order for their asylum application to be approved then once it has been hey presto they revert back to Islam.

Only in Eastern Europe they remember the Ottoman Empire from their national history and know what islam and muslims mean. In Western Europe we could know that history too, as well as that of the Barbary pirates, but we refuse to learn.

If that's an argument, then what did they do in their colonized countries in Asia and Africa? Latin Americans don't even have their language now.

Exactly correct. Its too late for Europe. In a few more generations they'll outnumber the natives. Then they'll elect their own leaders, implement Sharia Law & control the military including nuclear weapons. This will not end well for the world.

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