Saturday, August 10, 2024

Freedom of Speech-August 2024


What we are seeing is precisely why the West was such an anomaly in the history of mankind. Specifically, the reflex to suppress speech with which the rulers/elite disagree is the default reflex, and we are seeing a return to it. The West is facing the classic Herculean fork in the road. Take the easy or hard road in defending free speech.
BBC Newsnight
"[Elon] Musk is trying to pretend freedom of speech as some absolute right. It's never been an absolute right." Keir Starmer's biographer Tom Baldwin says there should be more regulation of social media #Newsnight

It’s because the rulers all now share the same beliefs and don’t have friends that think differently. This problem was actually caused by social media

2020: Jacinda Ardern, then Prime Minister of New Zealand: "We will continue to be your single source of truth…Remember, unless you hear it from us it is not the truth."

[click on link to see the video of her speech]

Guest Stuns Tucker Carlson With Moving Description of the First Amendment “The First Amendment is the most important institutional innovation in human history.” Amjad Masad credits Elon Musk for buying 𝕏 and allowing us to debate and push back on craziness of the woke mind virus. Tucker finds it remarkable that foreign-born Americans like Elon Musk and Amjad Masad profoundly cherish the First Amendment's value, whereas many native-born citizens “take it for granted.”

3.5 years in prison for a young kid. The judge nailed him for using fire emojis and using the colloquial saying “Let’s go”

This tweet led to a 38 months prison sentence. It's expressing vile sentiments and qualifies as incitement to racial hatred / violence. Though, this is an account with 130 followers, it attracted 9 'likes', and didn't go viral. This represents an interesting judicial precedent.

SCOOP: Things have gotten so bad in England that Britons are now declining media interviews out of fear of being arrested. The West calls Russia a dictatorship, but it turns out that the United Kingdom ARRESTED 3,300 people last year for what they said on social media. Meanwhile, only 400 people were arrested in Russia for thought crimes last year. UK is experiencing a totalitarian takeover under the guise of “keeping everyone safe.” Political commentator Alex Armstrong says, “I am deeply, deeply fearful that this country is heading down its worst Orwellian nightmare 40 years after George Orwell predicted it.”

Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy. If the truth is suppressed, it is impossible to make an informed voting decision. The degree to which freedom of speech is being undermined around the world is extremely alarming.

An immigrant who raped a 13-year-old girl in the UK was allowed to walk free because he didn't know rape was illegal. But posting your opinion on social media leads to years in prison.

ELON: FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS THE BEDROCK OF DEMOCRACY “If the truth is suppressed, it is impossible to make an informed voting decision. The degree to which freedom of speech is being undermined around the world is extremely alarming.” Source: X
🇬🇧DOES THE UK HAVE A TWO-TIER JUSTICE PROBLEM? Ricky Jones, a Labour councilor who allegedly called for the murder of right-wing protesters, has been remanded in custody after appearing in court. A video surfaced of him appearing to call them "disgusting Nazi fascists," saying, "We need to cut their throats and get rid of them." His lawyer called for leniency, claiming Jones was not driven by an "ideological narrative." While he was held, pending a further hearing in September, his case appears to be moving more slowly than others. Tyler Kay was jailed for 38 months after posting: "Mass deportation now, set fire to all the f****** hotels full of the b****** for all I care… If that makes me racist, so be it." Jordan Parlour was jailed for 20 months for posting: "Every man and their dog should be smashing f**k out Britannia Hotel," referring to a hotel that was home to 210 refugees and asylum seekers. Although the UK's Prime Minister Keir Starmer vowed swift justice for protesters, Ricky's case has raised questions about whether that only applies to the anti-immigration demonstrators. Sources: BBC, Sky News

Sir Doge of the Coin ⚔️
The fact that Orwell’s 1984 is set in the UK is just poetic 🇬🇧

., , , and debate if Google manipulates search results to favor Democrats in elections. In 2019, a senior Google engineer () leaked 950 pages of internal documents, revealing how Google uses blacklists and algorithms to censor conservative and pro-Trump content. Google blacklisted hundreds of conservative websites, including Daily Caller, Western Journal, RedState, Gateway Pundit, Steven Crowder, and Glenn Beck. Leaked documents also revealed Google ranked ABC, CBS, and CNN as more “authoritative” than Fox News. has published studies showing how Google manipulates search results to shift millions of votes to Democrats in each election. Full thread on Google's 950 pages of leaked documents:


The origin of the word “slave” is slav, which referred to white people taken as slaves

Leftists talk about the “original sin of slavery.” Sen. Tim Kaine says, "The U.S. didn't inherit slavery from anybody, we created it." America created slavery? Author Wilfred Reilly () explains why what kids are taught today is just dumb:

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The logic of censorship

" The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in ...