Friday, May 3, 2024

3 student movements in China

Important history lesson:

Three student movements in China. 1️⃣May 4th Movement, 1919. A movement initiated by the Beijing University students and professors who protested against the sitting govt demanding it not sign the Versailles Treaty to transfer German occupied territory in China to Japan. They were successful. However, the movement was hijacked by the Marxist radicals and it gave birth to Chinese Communism. The CCP named May 4th Chinese Youth Day to be celebrated. 2️⃣The Red Guard movement, 1966-1968. Mao mobilized the tens of millions of students to carry out his political agenda to take down his own govt and to destroy the remnants of Chinese culture. The movement also started in Beijing University. The Red Guards were very successful at achieving Mao’s goal. But by the time they realized they had been used, it was too late. They were discarded like garbage after they were no longer useful. They are called the “Lost Generation” to be forgotten by history. 3️⃣Tiananmen Square Pro-Democracy Student Movement, 1989. Again Beijing University students led the movement and the target was also the sitting govt. They demanded democracy and the end of rampant govt corruption. This time the students were not successful. They were gunned down by the CCP. Young people in China know nothing about the massacre. In China today only the May 4th student movement is taught to young people. Now you know why.


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