Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Changing from left to right


Interesting thread

Jul 14  12 tweets  4 min read   Read on X
over the course of the last decade there have been some key events that pushed me from the Left to the Right 🧵

from Hillary 2016
to Biden 2020
to Trump 2024

let's unpack it by exploring these 10 examples: 
red flag #1 🚩

Aziz Ansari and the Fallibility of the MeToo Movement

MeToo came in hot—the Aziz Ansari incident was a turning point for me—Aziz's career was nearly destroyed over what amounted to a bad date

the fervor with which the MeToo movement was pushed, often without nuance or due process, became increasingly unsettling

it felt as though we were sacrificing individual reputations on the altar of a broader agenda, disregarding the complexity of human interactions and the need for a fair assessment of each situation 

The Innovation Stalemate: Elon Musk and the Left

Elon's endeavors with SpaceX, from launching satellites to potentially colonizing Mars, have faced considerable opposition from environmentalists and regulatory bodies on the left

the protests over seals and birds in relation to SpaceX's activities seemed to overshadow the potential for groundbreaking advancements in science and exploration

as someone who values innovation and progress, the left’s resistance to Elon's visions feels counterproductive and stifling 
3/10 🚩🚩🚩

The Science of Gender: A Biological Perspective

the left’s stance on gender identity, particularly the assertion that boys can be girls and vice versa, conflicts with my understanding of biology

having minored in biology, i found the disregard for scientific facts troubling

this issue underscored a broader pattern of the left prioritizing ideology over empirical evidence, which deeply resonated with my commitment to scientific integrity 

A New Perspective: Jared Kushner on Lex Fridman’s Podcast

my political reorientation was further influenced by Jared Kushner’s appearance on Lex Fridman’s podcast

hearing Kushner discuss the Abraham Accords provided a fresh perspective on the Trump administration's achievements, many of which were either underreported or misrepresented in mainstream media

this realization made me question the narratives i had previously accepted without scrutiny 

The Consequences of DEI and Defund the Police Movements

the left's emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, coupled with the "defund the police" movement, has had visible repercussions

cities like San Francisco have seen a rise in crime, with basic items in stores locked up due to rampant theft

these developments reflect a breakdown in law and order, contradicting the left’s promises of safer and more equitable communities

the disconnect between the ideology and its real-world outcomes became increasingly apparent and troubling 

The Mishandling of the Afghanistan Withdrawal

the Biden administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was another significant factor for me

the hasty evacuation led to the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. service members and left many Americans and Afghan allies stranded

the lack of accountability, with no high-level officials facing consequences, highlighted a concerning level of incompetence and disregard for human life 

The COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Mandates

the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was fraught with misinformation and heavy-handed mandates—initially, we were told to trust the science, yet the narrative kept changing

vaccine mandates were imposed, leading to significant public pushback and divisiveness

subsequent revelations about the vaccines’ effectiveness and side effects, along with the suppression of dissenting opinions, only fueled distrust

the pandemic response became more about control than public health, further alienating me from the left 

The Obsession with Identity Politics

the left’s relentless focus on identity politics has become increasingly off-putting

the constant emphasis on race, gender, and sexual orientation as primary lenses for policy and social issues detracts from more substantive discussions

tt feels like a divisive tactic, creating more societal fractures rather than fostering unity and progress 

The Body Positivity Movement and Health

the body positivity movement, while well-intentioned, has taken a troubling turn

featuring morbidly obese women on magazine covers like Cosmopolitan and labeling it as "healthy" is a disservice to public health

this toxic narrative reshapes societal standards and promotes a false sense of health, ignoring the serious health risks associated with obesity

as someone who values science and factual information, this blatant disregard for medical truth was another factor pushing me away from the left 

Biden's Cognitive Decline

the recent debates and public appearances of President Biden have been alarming—his frequent verbal stumbles, moments of confusion, and physical frailty suggest that he is not fully in control

watching Biden freeze during debates and struggle to make coherent points underscored the deception by the left, who had assured us of his competence

it’s disheartening and embarrassing to see the leader of the free world in such a state 
in conclusion:

my political evolution has been shaped by a series of concrete events and realizations that have driven me away from the left

from the mishandling of individual cases in the MeToo movement to the left's resistance to innovation, disregard for biological science, chaotic foreign policy decisions, and the tangible consequences of their policies, these experiences have collectively shifted my perspective

embracing a more centrist or right-leaning viewpoint has felt like a return to common sense, patriotism, and a commitment to constructive progress

shout out to the likes of @RobertMSterling @DavidSacks @theallinpod and anyone else who has been relentless voicing concerns despite the backlash—i owe much of my perspective shift to you, and i bow down 🫡 

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