Sunday, July 28, 2024

Woke AI and digital totalitarianism

Politicization of AI will ruin it.

Big Tech Scrubs Trump's Assassination Attempt from the Internet and AI Platforms are Revising History AI platforms and search engines are seeking to BURY and CENSOR information on the Trump assassination attempt on July 13. • Meta AI says Trump's assassination attempt is a fictional event that never took place. • ChatGPT says that there was no actual attempt on former President Trump's life. • Google refuses to assist users searching for information on the former president's shooting. • DuckDuckGo also hides search auto-prompts on the shooting from users. This is so much worse than Election Interference. Big Tech platforms are implementing Digital Totalitarianism.

They're also scrubbing anything bad about Kamala. They removed a bunch of articles about her and Amazon removed Caleb Maupin's book about Kamala last week, even though it was on there for 4 years.


James Lindsay, anti-Communist
Woke AI lies about history.



So here's how it works: The media spends years refusing to cover Trump's speaking events. They cut away mid-speech and describe it as "protecting their viewers from misinformation." Then, suddenly, there is a Trump event that gets covered by the major news outlets. Coincidentally, he it shot at 8 times and miraculously survives. Worse, he responds to the attack in legendary fashion and pumps his fist as blood streams down his face. Probably the most incredible political photo in modern American history gets taken. Does the media run it 24/7 for months like they would've had an attack on Biden or Obama occurred? No. They bury it. Is there a years long "national dialogue about political violence and the dangers of the radical left"? No. Zero. In 14 days, the story is wiped from the headlines. Google suppresses all searches. Newspapers don't run the photo, stating openly that it makes him look too heroic. In just two weeks, it is like it never happened. So what can we conclude? Well, for one, the entire corporate media sphere works directly for the federal government and by "federal government" I mean the democrats or the establishment or the intel community. Take your pick. But you already knew that. The conclusion, or oddity, that I can't get past: You had a media blackout on Trump ever since J6. You've basically gone back to the blackout protocol over the past two weeks. So...why, how etc. Did you, the corporate news, decide to cover this one particular Trump event where he just so happened to come one inch from death? Inquiring minds would like to know

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The logic of censorship

" The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in ...